Save Time With Every Call
Make every minute count. If you could count the amount of time you have wasted recording voice mails, sending follow up emails you would realize how many deals you have lost due to wasted time!
Call Faster, Call More Often
The fastest way to reach the largest number of people.
Save Time With Sales Cadence Automation!
How many emails does it take to persuade a prospect to download a white paper? How many emails does it take to get a prospect to sign a contract? Now you can do the work once and assign drip campaigns to prospects directly from within your CRM!
Drag and Drop Cadence Automation
Set Appointments That Will Be Attended
The effort required to get a prospect to set aside time for you is a massive time waster. And then the time wasted when the prospect does not show up! Let FunnelFLARE simplify appointment scheduling and do the heavy lifting of setting reminders for everyone.
Fantastic Appointment Scheduling
Call The Right Person At The Right Time
“I am busy right now, can you call back?” What if you could guarantee a prospect is at their computer and have time for your call? Let FunnelFLARE give you the insights into prospect behaviors.
Prospect Insights
Sales Reporting
FunnelFLARE includes sales reporting to help you see what’s working and what’s not.

“Our digital strategy has been working for us so well that we’re expanding into opening up an agency for some software sellers. FunnelFLARE has been great to work with and support is on the ball.”
– Victor Mate, Smart Solutions International

“Our digital strategy has been working for us so well that we’re expanding into opening up an agency for some software sellers. FunnelFLARE has been great to work with and support is on the ball.”
– Victor Mate, Smart Solutions International

Ignite Your Sales